EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
       in time of trouble TDG 69.5
       lost by going where sin is HP 254.4
       needed HP 348.4
       not realized by children of Israel FW 69.1
       of God’s faithful Mar 95.2
       seen only in the light of eternity HP 101.4
       when coming to Jesus in faith HP 264.2
    publications in production approved by PM 60.3
    reasoning minds may be helped by 1MCP 102.1
    receive grace from Christ to pass on to us TDG 356.6
    record testimonies vindicating Christ in book of remembrance OHC 168.5
    recording, actions daily noted by OHC 7.4
       allowed by, to stand in inner circle around throne OHC 368.5
       joined by, in song of triumph HP 216.6
       share dignity and privileges of HP 367.2;OHC 39.3;
    rejoice as they gaze upon the rainbow OHC 314.3
    respond to earnest not casual prayers OHC 129.4
    righteous encircled by, when earthly power cannot help OHC 362.3
    saints enter city of God between columns of 3SM 431.2