EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Atmosphere (spiritual)   [145]
    of doubt and questioning unbelief 4T 232-3;5T 626;
    of mist and fog,
       Christian plunged into TM 84
       worldly amusements as MYP 388
    of satanic witchery CT 257
    of selfish and narrow criticism MB 123
    of unbelief,
       effects of breathing 5T 288
       heavy and oppressive FE 457
       sympathize with persons having to breathe 5T 615
    of worldliness, result of voluntarily placing ourselves in PP 169
    poisoned by Satan’s agents 1T 430
       in home 2T 465
       inhaled from the unconsecrated 5T 673
       to peace and happiness 4T 196
    polluted with sin 5T 136
       minister who breathed needed to struggle VSS 343.1
       refusing Christ shows love for TMK 243.4