EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Atonement (antitypical)   [179]
    Christ’s perfect holiness as 1SM 368
       close of, second advent follows GC 422;PP 426;
       completion of GC 658;PP 542;
       Day of Atonement services foreshadowed GC 420;PP 355;
       final EW 253;GC 421, 480;PP 357-8;
       finishing of LS 63;1T 58;
    Christ’s work of,
       low estimate placed on 2T 200
       OT Scriptures set forth DA 494
       sacrifice of red heifer typified 4T 120
    clear discernment of, gives man knowledge of himself 3T 321
    cross as means of, must occupy central place 6T 236
    despised by men in last days PP 86
    dimly comprehended because men depend on good works 1SM 343
    doctrine of, God’s word contains CT 422
    eat most simple food in order to value 2T 46
    Genesis to Revelation reveals CT 427;FE 385;
    God’s character revealed in GC 501