EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Attitude, Attitudes/Disposition, Dispositions/Spirit
ambassadors of God must be example in
UL 268.2
bad, when attachment to young man opposed
1MCP 302.1
broken, those offering sacrifice of, behold Christ
TMK 122.4
calm, not saying all we know, to avoid provocation
TDG 250.2
change in, must occur before Christ comes
3SM 155.4
cheerful, fragrance of, God will give us
OHC 254.6
childish, musician who loved praise had
3SM 335.4
Christ manifested in, reveals God to the world
TMK 227.5
children to be taught to cultivate
RC 169.2
needed in discussions of 1888 session
3SM 174.2
Christ’s followers must imitate His
OHC 29.2
cleansed of all earthliness and unholy thoughts
OHC 174.5