EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Babylon (Babylonia)
Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image symbolized
PK 504
one of world’s great empires
PK 535
passing power and magnificence of, lesson from
Ed 183
plan of Nebuchadnezzar and wise men to exalt
PK 504-5
power and magnificence of, world has never since beheld
Ed 183;PK 548;
prosperity that attended
Ed 175
proud and cruel oppressor
Ed 176
reached height of wealth and power never since equaled
Ed 175
richest of earthly kingdoms
PK 501
rise and fall of, prophecy has traced
Ed 177
rose unexpectedly as new world power
PK 422
divine sentence pronounced upon
Ed 176
God designed to hold in check
4T 172
God’s wrath visited on Judah by
PK 422
Judah should have avoided controversy with
PK 423
men of highest intellect
PK 501