EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Baptism   [116]
    sinner declared new at time of OHC 157.4
    Spirit’s descent not equivalent to SR 289
    unchanged heart may continue after UL 182.5;HP 277.4;
    unites men with three great powers of heaven Ev 307
    voice of God did not call Pharisees and Sadducees to TDG 197.3
    vows of, communication with heaven open to those true to HP 61.4
    worthless form apart from Christ DA 181
    youth unconverted have experienced CT 353
    See also Christian, name of, taking; Church, joining; Rebaptism
4. Miscellaneous
    as covenant See Covenant
    of blood,
       Christ longed for 5T 132
       Christ received DA 410, 693;MH 504;4T 121;8T 209;
    of repentance, Apollos received AA 269
    of Spirit See Holy Spirit