EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Bible study, Bible studies GW 192-3    [79]
1. Art of presenting
2. Presentation of
3. Work of conducting
4. Miscellaneous
1. Art of presenting CG 511;6T 58-61;
    church members need training in MH 149
    gospel workers need training in FE 113
    Negro men need training in 9T 207
    people need instruction in, at camp meetings 9T 82-3
    thorough training needed in Ev 108
    train more gospel workers in GW 76;Ev 477;
    youth need training in Ev 24
2. Presentation of
    do not stop, on account of visitors CG 511
    draw people out by questions in Ev 154
    earnest prayer needed with Ev 457-8
    earnestness and fervency needed in ChS 144
    efforts to provoke controversial discussion during 6T 69
    let people ask questions in Ev 441;6T 68;
    make every point plain as mileposts in Ev 439