EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Bible study, Bible studies GW 192-3    [79]
    needs to be: clear and expressive CM 71;CT 217;Ev 665;
       plain, serious, and solemn 6T 58-9
       presented with voice which charms hearers 6T 380
       simple and spirited Ev 481
    people need a plain “Thus saith the Lord” in 6T 69
    simplicity needed in ML 238;MM 140;6T 58;
    topics studied in 6T 58-61
3. Work of conducting
    begin to work for God by Ev 445
    both men and women can do GW 192
    city evangelism calls for Ev 108
    city mission work requires FE 121
    gospel workers doing, develop into mighty men of God GW 192
    Haskell (S.N. and Mrs.) engaged in Ev 470
    inexperienced girls not to be entrusted with CT 500;Ev 475;FE 113;
    many people will be called to 9T 172
    med. miss. work opens way for MM 239
    miss. visits open way for Ev 470
    persons adapted to, need instruction Ev 107;FE 107-8;
    preparation needed for FE 121