EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Blood   [340]
    symbol pointing to Christ as Mediator PP 353
9. Special
    atoning See Atoning blood
    baptism of See Baptism
    martyrs’, seed of gospel GC 240, 634
    Nile River turned into, by plague PP 265;3SG 206-7, 242-3;4aSG 55;SR 116;
    of atonement See Atonement
    of sprinkling, character must be purified from sin by GC 425
    sea and rivers as dead man’s, under second and third plagues GC 628
    shedding of, no remission of sins without 7BC 913;DA 157;GC 417-8;PP 71;3SG 48;1SM 107;SR 52;
       plan of redemption called for 1BC 1086
       sin made necessary the DA 589;SD 225;
10. Unhealthy
    base passions aroused and strengthened by 2T 404
    children’s CD 221, 240;2SM 435;4T 30-1;
    diseased heart sends, into whole system 4T 210
    eat not things which make 3T 311
    moral and intellectual powers beclouded by 2T 404
    persons in poor health have 3T 70
    pregnant woman overworked transmits to offspring CD 221