EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Blood   [340]
    stimulants and narcotics cause MH 325
7. Purification (cleansing) of
    air pure and fresh needed for MH 271-2, 385;ML 139;2SM 456;
    compressive dress hinders MH 292
    breathing correctly is essential to FE 73;MH 272;
    liver aids in MH 240;3T 490;
    lungs aid in MH 292
    lungs need oxygen for MH 272
    nature’s grand attempts at 1T 520
    physical exercise aids in 2T 529
    water that is pure aids in ML 139
8. Sacrificial (typical)
    Cain’s offering lacked 4T 395
    Christ’s shed blood typified by DA 589-90;GW 156;1SM 230, 233;SR 50-1;
    daily sin offering’s, full atonement for sin not made by PP 355-6
       sinner’s sin not canceled by GC 420
    earthly sanctuary cleansed with GC 417-22;PP 355-6;
    faithless shedding of, for expiation of sin DA 608
    God approached by, in earthly sanctuary PP 353
    heathen Gentiles ate AA 192