EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Body, Bodies, human .   [350]
    relationship between mind and: explain to people CH 543
       is mysterious and wonderful 3T 485
       is very intimate CH 28;MH 241;
       See also Mind
    restored to original perfection at last day ML 153
    sanitariums should teach people how to preserve, in best condition 6T 225
    Satan seeks control of 2T 359
    Satan’s agents can affect EW 44
    Satan’s means of casting spell over 5T 193
    satanic delusions affect EW 44
    satisfying joys give health and vital energy to 4T 579
    self-abuse enfeebles 5T 91
    should be servant to mind PP 562;1T 487;
    sickly, God is not glorified by 3T 486
    sin against, God is dishonored by 6T 369
    sin of polluting CH 22-3
    sinful indulgence defiles CH 22;3T 162;
    soul is corrupted by whatever corrupts MH 280
    soul sickness affects 6T 301
    sound, sound mind is needed in 2T 375