EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Body, Bodies, human .   [350]
    why Satan seeks to enfeeble and degrade MH 130;PK 488-9;
    without hands is useless MM 238
    wonderful power of, to resist abuse CD 164;CH 66;SL 26;
    wrong treatment of, violation of physical law and Bible standard by MYP 238
    you have, as well as soul to save Ev 260-1;WM 117;
    you have no right to treat, as you please CD 56;CH 40-1;MM 275-6;6T 369;
    See also Anatomy; Health; Hygiene; Physiology
    abuse of,
       belonging to Christ OHC 43.2
       violates nature’s laws and incurs penalty RC 154.5
    accountable to God, for treatment of HP 191.5
    activated when God created man TDG 273.4
    alcohol and tobacco keep, from being holy and acceptable Con 61.1
    all parts of, must be used or service is deficient RC 165.6
    appetite indulgence impairs RC 154.3
    appreciated as gift from God RC 154.4
    blemished by sin cannot honor God HP 192.4
    brain overtaxed hurts; teach all to work with their hands 1MCP 120.2
    care for,