EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Body, Bodies, human .   [350]
    mysteries of, baffle the most intelligent 8T 260
    neglect of: avoid CH 155
       careless, God’s word condemns FE 427
       God is dishonored by MH 322
       is forbidden CH 41
       is neglect of mind 3T 486
    nerves from brain control 3T 69
    nerves of, mental impressions communicated to 3T 69-71
    not all SDA possess, in sanctification and honor 2T 450-1
    obligation to keep, clean, pure, and healthy is not comprehended CD 16
    original power of, as healer MM 11
    poor mortal, man’s disposition to decorate EW 274
    powers of, belong to God 2T 354
       healthy life is most favorable for development of CH 41
    present your, to God as living sacrifice 2T 70;3T 63;
    prostration of, ill-chosen reading tends to cause 4T 497
    put your, to best possible use 1SM 100
    reading novels and stories injures 4T 497
    redemption price for, Christ paid CH 586