EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Book, Books   [319]
    manuscript of, found in Josiah’s time 2BC 1038-9;PK 392-3, 398, 465-6;
       lost in Manasseh’s reign PK 392-3
    neglected in Manasseh’s reign PK 392-3
    placed in charge of proper officers PP 466;4aSG 55;SR 172;
    priests instructed people from PK 337
    provisions in, for Passover celebration PK 405
    public reading of, daily by teaching priests PK 392
    rehearsed every seven years PK 465
    summary at close of, re God’s dealings with Israel PK 394
    temple copy of PK 392-3
    treasure of knowledge in 2BC 1038
    See also Law, Mosaic
5. Special
    inspired, Scriptures embodied in GC 5
    little, of Rev. 10:1, 8-10 7BC 971
    of books See Scriptures
    of ceremonial law See Law, ceremonial
    of nature See Nature
    of seven seals, of Rev. 5:1-9 7BC 967-8;COL 294;