EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Brier, Briers   [27]
1. Figurative
2. Literal
1. Figurative
    Christ pressed down, in path before us CS 151-2
    Christ’s pardon does not make wheat of 5T 429
    evil that blights and mars is represented by Ed 101
    God’s commands as, to some youth 4T 626
    home garden grown up with FE 66
    in heart, plowshare of truth must tear out 5T 53
    in path of person sinning in full blaze of light 2SM 165
    in way to heaven SD 352
    many persons in God’s vineyard are 5T 103
    of ignorance, uncultivated mind will be overgrown with 4T 443
    of sin, soul that Christ will rescue from COL 188
    old habits and practices symbolized by COL 50
    only wound and grieve SC 117
    parents who will reap AH 202
    path of, life is not 4T 364
    persons not thoroughly converted bear 5T 306
    person unfaithful in temporal matters brings forth 4T 311