EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Business   [339]
       governed by golden rule TDG 343.6
       honesty in all UL 145.5
       just, required of people with responsibility TDG 40.2
       light in, by those claiming truth RC 206.6
       part of religion for true follower TDG 281.2
       principle built into; people needed RC 271.3
       principles of heaven to be revealed HP 154.4
       pure as were Christ’s HP 154.6
       pure, considerate and just UL 119.2
       realizing that God sees 2MCP 438.0;RC 272.4;TDG 337.2;
       relationships are more important than TDG 276.6
       safeguard in UL 21.2
       sharp, God is not glorified by LDE 134.1
       spiritual obligations in as important as in prayer TSB 70.3
       truth in,
a religious obligation OHC 226.2
consulted OHC 32.3
done in the Lord’s name PM 150.2
recorded Mar 340.6