EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Care, Cares   [81]
1. Christ’s
2. God’s
3. Human
1. Christ’s
    for each soul, is as though there were not another on earth DA 480;MH 229;5T 346;
    for His faithful workers, assurance of DA 811
    protecting, rest under MH 250
2. God’s
    all people laboring in His service are to rest in DA 313
    Christians may safely rest in MB 106
    faith is needed in, in time of danger DA 336
    for birds and flowers, lesson from MH 266
    for: His children MH 473
       His creatures LS 257;MH 199;
       humblest of His creatures MH 411
    for His people: always exercised ML 292
       during seven last plagues EW 44;GC 629-34;
       exercised every moment CS 18;MM 276;TM 423;
       in time of trouble EW 34, 43, 56, 282-5;GC 626;
       like wall of fire round about them PK 581