EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
    holding grudge against world 4T 202
    homeless See Orphan
    how pure and innocent, are driven into bad company 2SM 434
    huddled in poverty and filth 2SM 422
    idle: Satan keeps, busy AH 285
       Satan makes workshop of minds of CG 120
       Satan ready to find something to employ FE 417
       will be exposed to evil influences 1T 398
    ill-disciplined, become arbitrary rulers of their homes 4T 202
       go through life at cross-purposes with world 4T 202
    impatient when they cannot have their own way 5T 545
    impolite at home SD 113
    in church should be kept quiet and free from play CG 543
    inclined to infidelity by mother’s lack of faith in God 5T 64
    indolent and selfish, parents’ mistake in dealing with CG 195
    indulged: become selfish, exacting, disobedient, unthankful, and unholy 3T 141
       become willful, passionate, and unlovely FE 157
       girl who was 2T 558-65
       grow up unrestrained in desires 1T 686
       soon lose all respect for parents PP 579