EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
       pure, helpful, kind 1MCP 366.3
       responsibility deepens FLB 268.3
       symmetrically formed; privilege of mothers 1MCP 139.5
       See also Children, dispositions of
    choice of, between world and heavenly path HP 217.3
       as, spoke and acted with wisdom of child TMK 27.2
       attracted UL 145.3
       bore the sorrows and trials of TMK 30.3
       condescended to take, in His arms and bless TMK 300.3
       gave lilies to UL 98.3
       grieved by disciples’ rejection of mothers bringing TMK 40.3
       had temptations of 3SM 134.3
       keep before, in song, prayer, and the Word HP 209.5
       loved, although He was the Majesty of heaven TMK 100.3
       loves RC 171.3, 249.4
       noticed the sorrows and needs of HP 40.3
       played with, and blessed HP 54.3
       received flowers from UL 57.4
       sacrificed His life to redeem HP 210.3