EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
    dispositions of,
       affected by mother before birth FLB 262.4
       learn; teach them the way of the Lord TSB 41.2
       sweet in a happy environment RC 185.2
    dress may be vanity for 3SM 244.2
    drifting of, parents are never to allow 3SM 210.1
    dull and grievous conduct of, patience with HP 223.3
    duty willingly accepted by; happiness in discipline 1MCP 171.1
    early years of, See Children, young
    education of,
       away from disobedience, etc. (2 Tim. 3:2) TDG 307.5
       by precept and example of parents 1MCP 156.1
       learning to love Jesus TMK 42.3
       to avoid evil influences HP 208.4
       to honor God, fathers’ responsibility RC 175.3
       to know God by His Word UL 33.2
       to live for future life, not this world TDG 271.3
       to meet world HP 208.3
       to understand missionary work around them RC 252.4
       what a work is this RC 300.3