EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
    God has committed care of, to mothers, not to fathers TMK 39.3
    God loves, and desires their harmony with heaven HP 217.2
    goodness of, rewarded even in this life 1MCP 171.1
    growing up careless and irreligious RC 169.5
    habits formed as, generally mark them for life TMK 40.4
    haphazard work in raising TDG 219.4
    happiness of,
       by feeling approval and pleasant words RC 185.2
       learned by developing character beauty RC 174.4
    heart training of, neglected causes bitter harvest FLB 269.4
    hearts of,
       bad seeds in, produced briers and thorns 1MCP 156.1
       can be bound to the mother RC 171.4
       frozen by cold dignity; kindness will soften TDG 266.2
       given to Jesus as grateful offering of love TMK 145.3
       keep tender and sensitive by example TMK 42.3
       open to divine influences FLB 270.4
    heavenly agencies cooperate as you teach HP 208.4
    help of, to parents should be appreciated TMK 149.5
    heritage of Christ; UL 57.5