EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
       worked for as well as for adults RC 185.5
    speak to,
       kindly UL 302.3
       with love and tenderness TMK 149.2
       with the law of love TMK 42.4
    speaking pleasant words to be taught to 1MCP 179.2
    spirit of contention over trifles caught by TDG 111.3
    Spirit of the Lord leads, in the time of Rev. 18 Mar 218.2
    spoiling, easier than teaching righteousness 2MCP 599.2
       from, for those bearing responsibility PM 89.1
       of, to be developed in Christ; no restlessness 2MCP 384.2
    striking, in anger RC 186.3;UL 302.2;
    subdued only as parents subdue themselves TMK 149.5
    submission required of; they are not to rule RC 184.3
    tastes of, carefully disciplined and educated OHC 202.4
       control of temper and religion as living principle RC 169.2
       doing good FLB 265.6
       how Jesus came into the world to bring hope TDG 360.4