EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
    swelling with self-importance, parental responsibility for 4T 200-1
    taken from faithful parents by death will be restored at second advent CG 565-6;PK 239;
    taught fables instead of truth will rise up and curse parents 4BC 1157
    taught intemperance in eating by parents 4aSG 132
    teasing parents in order to have their way CG 284
    teen-age, who imagine they are prodigies CG 178-9
    ten to 18 years old, see no harm in worldly associations CT 327;1T 391;
    thousands of: are moral wrecks 3T 568
       are slaves to appetite and debasing vice FE 140;3T 568;
       are victims of parental mismanagement CG 277
       die as result of ignorance of laws of their being FE 160
       die as result of parents’ ignorance of laws of hygiene CT 126
       die because of ignorance of parents and teachers 3T 135-6
       die because of ignorance of persons who care for them FE 145-6
       faithful work of parents would add, to church CSW 50
       false idea that ruins 5T 541
       lack of restraint ruins 5T 541
       left uneducated in homes CG 119
    throwing itself on floor and screaming in anger CG 92-3
    toiling from morning till night without recreation 1T 484