EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Choice all men decide their destiny by their own Ed 178;PK 536;    [58]
    daily, between being servants of Christ or Satan OHC 15.6
    during Satan’s time of control UL 39.4
    freedom of,
       always present TMK 361.2
       given to Adam and Eve TMK 14.2
       given to all HP 361.4
       God wants us to have HP 286.5
    gift of, for clear conscience and pure purpose TMK 290.2
    given; some in publication office reason like Satan PM 69.3
    life and character show, to lose or gain heaven OHC 44.4
    power of, Scriptures appeal to 1MCP 92.2
    present, future influenced for good or evil by 2MCP 421.2
    probation is when every soul makes HP 196.6
    right or wrong UL 140.5
    ruler of heart and mind is by our OHC 319.4
    satanic agencies make, when deciding which testimony is from God 3SM 70.3
    security in, with God UL 48.5
    to love and serve God TMK 366.2