EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
    went from Decapolis to Magdala by boat DA 405
    Pilate violently quelled popular tumult in Jerusalem COL 212-3
    Sadducees and Pharisees united against DA 405
    deputation of Pharisees and Sadducees demand sign of COL 212;DA 405-7;
    parable of barren fig tree spoken by COL 212-8;DA 495, 584;5T 250;
       after discussing signs of times COL 212
       after Pilate had violently quelled tumult in Jerusalem COL 212-3
    went from Magdala by boat to Bethsaida DA 407-8
    warned disciples to beware of leaven of Pharisees and Sadducees DA 407-9
    went into one town of Caesarea Philippi DA 411
       out of reach of Herod and Caiaphas DA 418
    went apart to pray DA 411
    Peter confessed, as Son of God DA 411-4, 673
       not long before he caught fish with coin in its mouth DA 433
    said that one of apostles was a devil DA 655
       in year before He instituted Lord’s Supper DA 655
       year before Judas Iscariot betrayed Him DA 720
       when Peter had declared his loyalty to Him DA 673
    told apostles about His coming sufferings and death DA 415, 432;Ed 88;
    rebuked Peter for contradicting Him 5BC 1095;DA 415-6;Ed 88;2SM 353;