EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
    cursed barren fig tree full of leaves DA 581-8;4T 403, 614;5T 257;
       when it was not season for ripe figs at Jerusalem DA 581
    temple cleansed second time by COL 272-3;DA 589-93;2SM 118;1T 471-2;8T 92;9T 228;
       three years after first cleansing DA 591, 593
    ministry of healing by, in temple DA 592
    acclaimed with hosannas by people DA 592
    Sanhedrin met to plan course against Him DA 593
    returned to temple COL 273;DA 593;
    saw withered fig tree DA 582
    taught and healed at temple COL 273;DA 592-3;
    Jewish rulers challenged authority of, to teach COL 273;DA 593-5;
    parable of two sons spoken by COL 272-83;DA 595-6, 600, 611;
       spoken on last visit to Jerusalem before His death COL 272-3
    parable of wicked husbandmen of vineyard spoken by AA 174;COL 284-306;DA 596-7, 600, 611;
    discussed stone rejected by builders of temple COL 295;DA 597-8, 600;
    parable of wedding garment spoken by COL 307-19;GC 426-8;
    spies sent to entrap, in His words DA 601
    queried by Herodians re payment of tribute to Caesar DA 601-3
    answered Sadducees’ query re resurrection of the dead DA 603-6
    answered learned scribe’s question re great command of law CT 329;DA 606-8;PK 327;