EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Christ (events of earthly life of)
about two months before wedding feast at Cana
DA 145
John the Baptist preached at Bethabara beyond Jordan
DA 132
more than three years before Jesus’ discourse on outward show
DA 506
when John was 30 years old
DA 133
tempted by Satan in wilderness
4BC 1163;5BC 1079-83, 1119;6BC 1074;7BC 927, 929-30;CS 144, 209-10;CT 27;DA 114-31, 416, 746;EW 155-8;FE 176;GC 50, 501, 554, 559, 666;GW 341;MH 181, 333;MYP 52, 58;PK 701;PP 679;SD 24, 141, 156, 159;4aSG 150;1SM 94-5, 223, 227-8, 252-6, 267-89;1T 293-4, 341;2T 286;3T 324-5, 374, 380, 388, 457, 477, 480, 526;4T 29, 44-5, 257, 293, 379, 576;6T 14;8T 209;9T 148;Te 19-20, 161, 267, 275-6, 282, 285;
delegation sent from Sanhedrin to investigate work of John the Baptist
DA 132-6, 231
30 years after birth of John the Baptist
DA 133
returned from wilderness of temptation to John the Baptist
DA 136-7
John the Baptist’s testimony re
DA 134-6