EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
       faithful Friend SD 247
       Friend at court 5BC 1110;7BC 930;
       Friend at God’s throne DA 833
       Friend in heaven 6BC 1054;1T 539;4T 334;
       Friend of sinners AA 122;DA 24, 393;LS 71;1T 64;3T 184;8T 47;
       Friend of the helpless CG 467
       Friend that sticketh closer than brother 2T 271
       heavenly Friend AH 480
       man’s Friend and Deliverer DA 341
       never-failing Friend FE 106;MYP 451;1T 391;2T 271;
       poor man’s Friend WM 172
       sinner’s Friend 3T 433
       supreme Friend 5T 155
       sympathizing Friend COL 173;6BC 1053;GW 263;MH 249;
       true and loving Friend PP 558
       very best Friend 1SM 351
    Fulfiller of prophecies SR 273;3T 432;
       Galilean laborer DA 387
       humble Galilean FE 47