EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
       only true Guide SD 298
       safe Guide 1BC 1118;MB 140;
       sure Guide Ed 255
       Christian’s living Head 5T 264
       divine Head TM 20
       glorified Head FE 178-9
       Head of church CT 159;DA 288;Ed 268;MB 64;TM 20;
       Head of humanity DA 668;1SM 252;
       Head of spiritual kingdom of righteousness 9T 218
       Head over all SD 192
       living Head CT 97;SD 53;5T 500, 577;7T 35;
       spiritual Head 6BC 1083
       true Head of med. profession MH 111
    Healer See Section 8
    Health of our countenance 6T 233
       great Heart of pitying love 5T 612
    Heart Searcher DA 567