EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
from billowy cloud, is truth today TDG 195.3
in simple language TMK 50.3
to appeal to all intellects VSS 102.0
       received from, and imparted to others TDG 229.5
       revealed in words and life of RC 113.2
       scattered by, as golden grains OHC 207.6
       (seekers for) become like UL 103.5
       spoken by, effective UL 58.3
       away from, having great possessions FW 70.4
       to, in trust HP 51.2
    unacknowledged in the world He created HP 40.5
    unappreciated even by His own family UL 54.5
    unbelievers learn faith in, by ones with self-denial CME 25.0
    uncertain ideas not uttered by TMK 98.4
    understanding by,
       also pity, forgiveness and grace RC 170.6
       for all sorrows TSB 47.3
       for each person UL 332.6
       for our trials UL 303.3