EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
       See also Christ, representatives of; Souls, salvation of
    woman’s best friend, as Bible examples show RC 170.5
    women working with, above reproach; work not hindered 3SM 374.3
    Word of God / Scriptures,
       leads to knowing UL 103.5
       provides banquet for those who accept RC 128.4
       reveals HP 134.4;LHU 261.3;
       teaching by, continues from heaven Mar 249.4
       treasured in heart of UL 54.6
       disparaging His children heard by UL 280.6
       may eclipse view of HP 175.2
       that grieve, not indulged when He is Sanctifier TMK 250.5
       to point those around you to OHC 291.2
       weighed with tenderness of, powerful witness TDG 68.4
    word(s) of,
       abiding in us UL 303.4
       acts and, revealed compassion UL 145.3
       always appropriate and effective TMK 178.3
       appearance of ones heeding, as having been with Him TMK 336.3