EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
       doing UL 66.5
       drinking in OHC 99.4
       earnest but never pitched to unnatural key TMK 207.3
as eternal life to us TDG 12.2
gives spiritual vitality HP 137.3
       Ellen White instructed to bear UL 160.5
       engraved on the soul; we are His witnesses TDG 96.6
       eternal life in, spoken from Simon’s boat UL 288.2
       faith encouraged by LHU 90.7
       feed on, and knowledge will expand TMK 201.3
       fell with power on thirsty souls HP 181.3
       first many ever heard HP 225.4
       for us today TMK 51.3
       gave comfort, blessing and understanding to all TMK 155.3
       gift of bread from heaven 3SM 202.2
       guidance from, instead of impression 3SM 404.4
       He longed for humans to honor TDG 189.3
       He spoke, as he had to the prophets LHU 261.3
       He wanted His people to receive TDG 109.5