EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
       powerful because His heart was pure HP 237.3
       practice of,
enables doing what no philosophy can TMK 100.5
lacking; curse coming on church VSS 303.1
       predicted as full of power and authority RC 16.6
       present, whenever possible HP 363.3
       of, provisions in, may be freely partaken of OHC 148.3
       purest; never comical VSS 104.2
as man of counsel TDG 112.6
is consuming His flesh and blood OHC 209.2
teaches us to claim His merits HP 23.3
by Simon who carried His cross CC 325.4
when hearers saw things of nature TMK 51.2
       repeat, which offer living water TMK 337.4
       respect for, as the Holy Spirit impresses UL 144.4
       rulers did not receive UL 304.5
       Satan repulsed by; Christ chose them carefully TDG 265.5
       significance of, deeper than appears LHU 106.4