EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
       simple/plain UL 145.4
and received by unprejudiced ones VSS 84.1
enough for a child to understand TDG 283.3
even to the unlearned UL 325.3
       soul filled with treasures of LHU 284.3
       spoken for people of all ages UL 303.7
       strengthen spiritual life OHC 208.4
       study and act on TDG 234.5
       taught by the Holy Spirit TDG 292.3
       thought needed to understand UL 368.2
       treasure in, but given wrong construction UL 236.2
       truth of, shown by revealing His character PM 259.6
       truth practiced by receiving TDG 118.7
       unable to do, of ourselves RC 55.4
increased by eating LHU 115.6
of, depends on spiritual knowledge TMK 191.4
       world to be shown the truth of TDG 304.4
       See also Christ, voice of
    work for,