EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ   [13609]
       disarming claims of Satan’s control 3SM 139.3
       drawing souls to Him is dearest TMK 56.2
       earnest; His followers follow Him OHC 224.5
       Ellen White spoke of, instead of her discouragement OHC 312.3
       entrusted to those who walk and work with God HP 240.6
       followers also to do UL 173.7
       for humanity continues TDG 283.5
       for salvation remembered after temple visit TDG 59.3
       for souls laid on the purchased ones LHU 208.5
       for the one depending on Him HP 64.4
       from moving to repentance to receiving in glory LHU 348.2
       given to disciples; we are His representatives PM 119.2
       God’s messengers are to take up TDG 30.4
       gospel truths are jewels as in 3SM 198.4
       great but done in simple places LHU 167.6
       greater in heaven with His Father UL 165.3
       helping the needy OHC 180.4
       in an atmosphere of love for God LHU 221.3
       in lowly walks of life HP 224.3
       in us does not destroy our powers but sanctifies them TDG 219.3