EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ’s Object Lessons adapted peculiarly for use in tourist centers 9T 84-5    [64]
       schools should raise money by 9T 80
       some youth could earn money for school by 9T 78
       students should be encouraged in CT 525-9;FE 522;
       teachers should engage in CT 529
       to help schools for years to come 6T 478
       to help SDA schools 6T 468-73
       to tourists 9T 84
       way opened for larger books by 6T 474
       worthy students can earn money by CT 528;9T 79;
       youth preparing for ministry should engage in 6T 471
    speaks for itself 9T 70
    students in SDA schools should carefully study CT 525;9T 77;
    tract society officers used, to aid schools 6T 468
    translate, into European languages 6T 474
    unifies believers 6T 475
    EGW finished writing, in 1900 1SM 103-5
    work of selling, as means of education 6T 476
    blessings brought from; God praised PM 367.0
    canvassers for, to learn lessons in it PM 303.1
    churches unified by the sale of PM 365.2