EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Chronology and time relationships   [469]
    Moses did not stay long in grave before his resurrection PP 478
    Moses died 1,500 years before Christ did DA 421
    Moses fasted 40 days on Mt. Sinai PP 313
    Moses fled to Midian when he was 40 years old Ed 65;PP 246-7;3SG 185-6;SR 109-10;
    Moses lived: 1,600 years before John did GC 5
       through sixscore winters PP 425
    Moses was: called up into Mt. Sinai on Sabbath day PP 313
       40 days on Mt. Sinai GW 143;PP 313, 335;
       miraculously sustained 40 days on Mt. Sinai 5BC 1079;PP 329;
       12 years old when taken to Pharaoh’s palace PP 244;3SG 182;SR 108;
    Moses spent 40 years as shepherd in Midian CT 417;Ed 62, 64;FE 360, 423;GW 332-3;PP 247-8, 255, 333;3SG 186;SR 110;
    Moses wrote: book of Deuteronomy more than 1,400 years before Christ lived on earth DA 121
       book of Job while shepherd in Midian Ed 159
       books of Bible 1,600 years before John did GC 5
       books of Bible 2,500 years after creation GC 5
       Genesis while he was shepherd in Midian PP 251
    Naboth’s execution occurred three years before Ahab’s death PK 206-7
    Nadab ruled over Israel only a few months PK 109
    national fast-day in ninth month of fifth year of Jehoiakim’s reign PK 433
    Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem in ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign PK 452