EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Chronology and time relationships
Aaron labored with Moses 40 years as leader of Israel
PP 425
Aaron lived through sixscore winters
PP 425
Aaron was 83 years old at time of Exodus
PP 425
Abel was killed 1,500 years before Flood
PP 78
Abib corresponded to last of March and beginning of April
DA 76;PP 537;
Abib was first month of Jewish year
PP 537
Abraham dwelt at Mamre more than 1,000 years before Epistle to Hebrews was written
PP 138;6T 342;
Abraham dwelt at Shechem more than: 100 years before Jacob did
PP 204
1,800 years before Christ went there
PP 204
Abraham had been nearly 25 years in Canaan when given promise of Gen. 17:1-16
PP 137
Abraham lived: hundreds of years after Flood
8T 207
Abraham, promise made to, nearly 50 years before sacrifice of Isaac
PP 148
nearly 100 years old when given promise of Gen. 17:18-20
PP 146
120 years old when told to sacrifice Isaac
PP 147-8
visited by Christ and two angels at Mamre at noon on hot summer day
PP 138;6T 341-2;
Absalom lived two years at Jerusalem before he rebelled
PP 729
Absalom was in Geshur two years
PP 728
Absalom’s rebellion occurred several years after David’s confession of his sin
PP 737