EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church, Churches   [2692]
       had, ever since Christ’s prayer for unity RC 199.5
although members are defective TDG 172.5
an organized, although with Judases and Peters 3SM 17.3
       is the founder of His UL 85.8
       agencies in, danger in standing aloof from HP 97.4
       call to, while probation continues, in Luke 19:42 Mar 264.5
       love for, infinite UL 338.5
    grace in, to begin at home; cooperate with angels 1MCP 179.3
    growth of,
       depends on work of each member TDG 303.4
       provision made for UL 338.5
       See also Church, establishing new
    habitation of God individually HP 283.2
    harmony in, by obedience to the two commandments RC 208.2
       members in, have experience in godliness 2MCP 710.3
       personal effort for others make OHC 164.3