EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church building, Church buildings 1T 196-7    [145]
       lame offerings should not be given for 1T 196
       liberality needed in Ev 377
       means should not be spent extravagantly for show or ornament in 2T 257
       minister should lead out in 6T 101
       minister should seek advice from fellow ministers re CS 262;6T 101;
       ministers should seek members’ cooperation in CS 262
       money is needed for TM 43
       persons not of SDA faith will give means for Ev 379
       put very best offering into 1T 196
       save means for, by denying appetite 9T 157-8
       should be extended from city to city GW 435
       subscriptions for 5T 153
       taste needed in Ev 377;2T 257;9T 206;
       whole church should share in 1T 196
       young church may need financial help from other churches in 6T 101
    fanciful theory that shoes should not be worn in GW 313
    faulty, lack of good ventilation and sunlight often makes MH 274
    floors of, well-seasoned wood needed in Ev 378
    frame of, should be well matched and well put together Ev 378
    God is dishonored by careless, noisy laughing and shuffling of feet in 5T 494