EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    selfish and unyielding, are always unreliable 5T 286-7
    self-supporting, evangelistic work by 7T 23
    skilled craftsmen among, miss. work that can be done by 9T 36
    slothful, need to be aroused to do miss. work 6T 434
    some: are asleep 8T 37
       feel it great taxation to contribute to sustain church 4T 18
       have taken hold of truth but truth has not taken hold of them 4T 194
       not made better by connection with church 6BC 1079
    speaking disparagingly of teacher before others or children, reproof for CT 154
    spiritual dyspeptics among 4T 74
    spurious devotion of, who are doing as antediluvians did CS 205;WM 290;
    starving spiritually while being preached to, duty of WM 308
    striving, who go to lawyers for help to carry out their plans 8T 69
    striving one with another, reproof for 5T 615-6
    stubborn, become dead weights on church 5T 117;6T 425;
    suffering from chronic sickness, church’s duty to 4T 510
    suspected of wrongdoing, how to deal with 2BC 999
    talented: God calls for MM 249
       needed for gospel work in large cities AA 158-9
       should consider needs of unwarned cities MM 249, 331