EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
       to change location should move into towns and villages where there is little or no light 2T 115
    withdrawing from Spirit’s influence become mischief-makers MM 138
    without connection with Christ will not be ready for time of reaping AA 55
    women: can work efficiently in obtaining subscribers for periodicals ChS 28
       older, are usually shy of religious conversation 6T 114
       should pray more 5T 131
       should read Bible more 5T 131
       ways in which, can do miss. work 9T 36-7
    working in right lines will lead others to unite in praying for Spirit 8T 251
    working together in love and unity for Christ, promises to 7T 22-3
    worthy poor and sick, church’s duty to its 4T 510, 551;6T 271-2;WM 181, 229;
    youthful: God can give, fitness for His service MYP 226
       inexperienced, who take offense if counseled or reproved LS 275
       most earnest and continued efforts needed by, to acquire necessary qualifications for usefulness 5T 583
       need not be ordained minister in order to serve God MYP 226
       self-important, too many LS 275
       should be educated for miss. work ML 238
       should be modest, quiet, and sober-minded LS 275
       will be called from field and workshop to give message WM 108
2. Erring