EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    co-operate in work of spiritual tilling with hope of reaping by and by 6T 420
    co-operate with: Christ in works of self-denial and benevolence MM 315
       God and brethren in special efforts held in community 9T 125
       teachers CT 153-4
    cultivate: love for plain testimony 2T 15
       tact and ingenuity God gives them CD 269;MM 267;
       their talents with persevering earnestness LS 275
    dedicate his life unreservedly to God’s service CH 579
    deny selfish appetite CD 402, 430
    devise plans and methods for, to do in community work that ministers do in regions beyond MM 318
    devote time and means to work for Christ in their families and neighborhoods LS 274
    diffuse light ChS 96
    distribute: literature from house to house 9T 127
       papers 9T 35
    do: (engage in) Christian service MH 149
       duty to orphan SDA 6T 282-3
       evangelistic work in homes of neighbors 9T 33;WM 70;
       faithful work for needy unbelievers 6T 270
       gospel work 9T 24-5
       his part by good works to reflect light to world 5T 531