EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    critical and complaining, inconsistencies of character manifested by FE 294-5
    criticizing and discouraging med. miss. workers, reproof for MM 138
    criticizing and faultfinding, fail to act their part nobly and well ML 335
    dead in trespasses and sins are many 6T 426
    defiling his body or leading another into sin, brand of Cain is placed upon 1BC 1087
    defiling their bodies and polluting their souls, church is corrupted by 5T 79
    demurring when called to give means to God’s treasury, warning to AA 338
    dictatorial, not needed in God’s work LS 275
    disregarding light on health reform will reap degeneracy 6T 371
    dissatisfied if there is not much preaching but do little for salvation of others 6T 443
    doing nothing, need of arousing CS 120
    doing their part faithfully, God’s promises for 9T 134-5
    doing wrong to the blind, church’s duty to discipline 3T 519-20
    doing wrong to the unfortunate, church’s duty to discipline 3T 517-8
    educated or uneducated, can bear message 9T 26
    enlightened, are called by God to engage in genuine miss. work CH 546
    enlightened by truth, should be light bearers to world 7T 62
    expecting to be tended like sick children are many 6T 435
    failing to pay pledge, should be labored with kindly and plainly 4T 476
    failing to practice truth they have heard, reproof for 8T 151-2