EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    special duty of, to labor for souls in their neighborhood 8T 196
    spend freely or extravagantly for self-indulgence, gratification of appetite, personal adornment, or embellishment of homes AA 338
    spirit of gossip and talebearing among 4T 194-6
    spiritual feebleness in, because they do not try to help others 7T 18-9
    spiritual growth of, God estimates church according to PK 565-6
    spiritual prosperity of, depends on personal effort and strict fidelity to God 5T 382
    stimulus and tonic found by, in helping others GW 198;4T 319;
    strife among, Satan gloats over 8T 240
    strong attachment of, to favorite minister AA 277-8
    studious effort needed by, to cherish precious plant of love 5T 123
    success of gospel workers should be subject of deep personal concern to GW 26
    summon, to universal action 7T 14
    talents of: God’s claims upon 4T 469
       methods of developing and using 9T 116-24
       needed in house-to-house work for Christ 9T 37-8
    tares among, do not disparage church because of 6T 239
    teaching of health principles by 7T 62-7
    terrible darkness of many 2T 444
    thorough consecration to God is needed by 1SM 56
    thousands of, large work to be done by AA 111