EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
       should be used in gospel work Ed 269-71
    time is coming when, will be separated and scattered CW 42
    time is coming when each, will have to stand alone CW 42
    too little done by, for people outside of church TM 128
    too little interest shown by, in children and youth 6T 196
    too often let ministers do God’s work GW 196
    training of, well-planned effort should be made for 9T 119
    training that ministers should give 9T 117-8
    treachery among, causes religion of Christ to be held in contempt PK 651
    trouble among, Christ’s rule should be strictly followed in dealing with 5T 241
    true Christian courtesy should be seen among CG 549
    two opposing influences continually exerted on TM 46
    two or three, are not to do work of whole church 5T 609
    unbelief in one, may give great advantage to Satan 3T 446
    unconsecrated and unconverted, who think more of their dignity and opinion than of salvation of fellow men 5T 616
    unfaithfulness of, is no excuse for doubt and unbelief 2T 109-10
    unruly tongues among, evils of 5T 94
    voice which must control, God has placed in church 5T 108
    voices of, should be heard in humble prayer MM 332;9T 38;
    warning to, against fanaticism GW 316