EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
       no institution can do 6T 263
    world will be convinced by what, live rather than by what pulpit teaches 7T 16
    worldliness among 8T 118-9
    wrongs done by, commenting on and criticizing DA 441
       do not excuse sin in us 5T 349
    zeal of, should exceed that of members of apostolic church 7T 33
    See also Believer; Christian; Church fellowship; Church membership; People of God
    act like slothful servant UL 66.4
    active service required of RC 204.6
    adultery has brought curse of God on TSB 248.1
       betray the loyal to secure safety Mar 197.3
       will be our worst persecutors Mar 197.2
    arouse, to obey claims of the law TDG 355.5
    atmosphere around, by spreading light RC 213.2
    awaken, for a definite and self-denying work UL 274.6
    backslidings to be confessed by; press together UL 265.5
    blessed as they bless others RC 205.2
    books sold by, to carry message for this time PM 212.2
    brotherhood of HP 288