EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    self brought into ways of many TDG 73.3
    self-denial required of Mar 110.4
       about money deadens spirituality of RY 95.3
       not to be shown to OHC 231.2
    separation of, from,
       one another or from God UL 265.5
       the world to serve one Master 3SM 17.1
       unnecessary if Christ’s character studied 3SM 187.1
    shake hands with youth and show interest RC 250.4
    sin excused less by, when Christ is followed TSB 106.0
    sinning willfully are to be led to repentance UL 16.4
    soil, breaking up of, should be considered by TMK 281.2
    soul winning by,
       requires a living connection RC 208.4
       work to be shared UL 60.5
       not to be misled by UL 305.4
       to be pointed to Christ by RC 152.2
    spirituality greater when Holy Spirit controls RC 219.4