EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
       duty of God’s people to 6T 261-2;WM 336-7;
    neglecting opportunities and abusing privileges do not grow in grace and in knowledge of Christ 6T 424-5
       will be deceived by delusions of last days 6T 425
    new: assign post of duty to 7T 30
       lay plans for work by Ev 19
       older members’ duty to Ev 112-3, 351
       should be one more agency for saving souls AA 207;7T 222;8T 47;
       should not lean on church for support Ev 356
    not called to labor in foreign lands, duty of ChS 12
    not ordained, should be encouraged to work for Christ 7T 21;WM 109;
    not ordained as ministers, God will send to His vineyard many AA 110
       should labor for Christ according to their ability 9T 128;WM 109;
    obeying dictates of fashion, duty of church leaders to MYP 355-6
    of ability, responsibilities should be given to 6T 431
    of all classes and trades, are called by God to work in His cause LS 274
    of Antioch in Syria, bore testimony daily of faith in Christ AA 158-9
       miss. activity of AA 158-9, 188
    of apostolic church, went forth filled with miss. zeal AA 105-6
    of large churches: are dying spiritually for lack of work to do 8T 244
       do comparatively nothing 8T 244