EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church organization AA 87-96;1T 270-2, 715;    [73]
    order is essential to 1T 270
    ordination of ministers authorizes them to effect AA 161
    Paul was brought into contact with, when converted AA 122, 163;SR 271;
    perfected further when local churches were organized throughout world AA 91-2
    persons who fear, as popery 9T 257;TM 29;
    persons who regard, as restriction of rightful liberty TM 29
    powerful, how to have ML 39
    purpose of AA 9-16;6T 238-9;
       is to reveal God’s wisdom 6T 235
    results of, in apostolic times AA 95-6
    Satan’s efforts to weaken and destroy TM 28-9
    SDA fully believe in Ev 473;6T 116;
    SDA system of TM 24-32
       built up by wise and careful labor 9T 258;TM 489;
       experiences in development of TM 24-7
       God has wrought in FE 254
       hard battle fought to perfect FE 254
       hard struggle in establishing TM 26
       has proved effectual TM 27
       has proved grand success TM 27